Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cake Decorating!

I've always enjoyed decorating cakes and took the first Wilton class a few years ago. I finally decided to finish the remaining courses and just finished the second course (there are 4 courses). Here is my final exam cake. It was really fun!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Technology is Amazing!

Well, the word is out and its true. We are expecting another baby on June 3, 2009. Amelia is still pretty clueless and looks at us like WE are clueless when we try and describe to her that there is a baby inside Mamma. Nonetheless, we are very excited for the new arrival. Here are some 3D ultrasound pictures we had taken today.

The kid was moving around like crazy and it was entertaining to watch the frustrated lab tech get the measurements she needed. A rebel even in the womb. Perfect.

The head is on the upper right and that baby's hands are propped up behind the head. Kickin' back. Nice.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Incredibles.

We LOVE Halloween. It is such a fun time to dress up, chat with neighbors and the guilt-free chow down on processed sugar!

Here's our costumes. (I think they rock!)

Dash (a.k.a. Amelia)

Mr. Incredible (a.k.a. Nick) and Dash

And, last but not least, Elastagirl (a.k.a Rachel)


We carved pumpkins for FHE. Here's the process and the final result!!

Our finished products!

Nick's finished monster.

Natural History Museum

On a rainy day we decided to visit the Natural History Museum. It is such a fun place for all ages. Amelia loved it.

Here's her new BFF.

The world is such an amazing place!