Saturday, March 20, 2010

Secret 4-H Girl

Every year we go to the Fairfax Chocolate Festival. Usually, it is held the first weekend in February. Mother nature had other plans (a crap load of snow) thus it was moved to the first weekend in March.

ANYWAY, I entered the cake decorating contest. And, I WON. I WON! I've decided that inside every woman is a little 4-H girl at the State fair. Granted, I am a relatively ethusiastic person (ha ha) but when I saw that I had received "Best in Show" and also "Best in Taste" I started squealing like a nine year old girl and then jumping up and down.

Nick tried really hard not to be embarrassed while Ami just jumped up and down with me and Robbie just smiled because everyone else was (of course he was drooling but that goes without saying).

Here's the finished product.