Well, we are almost half way through the pregnancy. Yea! And, I have to admit it is going fast.

Well, we are almost half way through the pregnancy. Yea! And, I have to admit it is going fast.
Posted by What's going on? at 12:50 PM 6 comments
Nick's younger sister, Sami, and brother, Greg, came to visit us for the Christmas holidays. We had a great time. We really appreciated them coming. We did a bunch of stuff while they were here. These are some pictures of the highlights.
Posted by What's going on? at 12:33 PM 0 comments
Our Christmas tree received lots of love this year. Ami decorated it many times over as the holidays progressed. Every time we would leave or come home she would give the Christmas tree hugs. The first time we came home, after we took it down, was a big disappointment.
Posted by What's going on? at 12:20 PM 0 comments
Yes, I finally completed my goal of doing 3 of the Wilton Cake Decorating classes. We learned out to use fondant and make some really beautiful flowers in course 3. Here was my final exam cake.
Posted by What's going on? at 12:17 PM 0 comments
My Sister Becki had her 2nd little boy Tristan about a month ago. He is so cute and I wanted to make (yes, make) him something. I made her first son a 3 foot cross stitch growing chart. Cross stitching doesn't work with a toddler around so I decided to try my hand in sewing. I DO NOT sew. And to sew something is kinda ambitious since Becki is a MASTER quilter. In fact, sad as it was I had to go to a friends house so she could show me HOW to cut the fabric. Then after resting up for a few days some more friends came to my house with THEIR sewing machines to help me make a quilt. Sewing machines and I don't mix well. They hate me and the feeling is pretty mutual. Anyway, after much aid, frustration, and Ami learning the word "crap" we made a pretty darn cute (if I do say so myself) quilt for Tristan.
Posted by What's going on? at 12:08 PM 0 comments